Aralia Bush

Ming Aralia can grow to be 6 to 7 feet (2 m.) tall if properly cared for in an indoor environment, and is prone to grow up rather than out. For this reason, you may want to occasionally prune this plant. If possible, prune your Ming Aralia in the cooler months, as this is when the plant’s growth is reduced and the pruning will cause less damage to the plant. Controlled pruning of this plant can actually produce some pretty stunning results. Due to the naturally crooked growth of this plant, the lower stems can be trained into some interesting showpieces. These plants also make nice bonsai specimens, but even when not used in this fashion they can add a certain Asian flair to a room. Ming Aralia needs medium, indirect light in an indoor environment. Make sure that the plant gets enough sunlight from a north or east-facing window or a plant lamp.

  • Price - ₹200/-
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